Silicone roof coating system

When considering roof coating systems in Fort Lauderdale, it’s natural to want to invest in the longest-lasting commercial roofing solution. No business wants to have to repeat a lengthy roof installation process sooner than they have to.

The article below will provide some basic information on the longevity of different types of roof coating systems in Fort Lauderdale available to commercial property owners. If you’d rather speak directly with a commercial roof company in Fort Lauderdale about silicone roof coating systems, contact Polo International today for assistance or call 866-975-2867 to get a free quote.

The Longevity of Different Roof Coating Systems

It’s important to note that the estimated figures for most roof coating systems are based on general criteria and average experiences. Below are some of the estimations found as a result of definitive research regarding the most widely used commercial roof coating systems.

Silicone Spray Coatings

Spray-applied coatings involve silicone coating systems. Similar to SPF roof coatings, silicone spray coating can be applied on top of most roofing material types. They are intended to be applied to existing commercial roofs to help extend the roof’s life. 

Much like SPF roofs, silicone roof coatings are fairly new commercial roofing solutions. Still, silicone roofs can last up to 20 years or more depending on the application thickness. In fact, many silicone roofs are able to last up to 50 years or more when properly maintained. 

Silicone and SPF roof coatings can also be maintained and reapplied to add another 10-20 years of longevity. In fact, many studies do not have entirely conclusive evidence as to how long these commercial roofing systems can last because they still have not reached their maximum potential to date.

Concrete Roofs

Maintaining a concrete roof to ensure it lasts its full excepted lifespan is considerably less than metal roofs and other types of roof systems. The low maintenance needs of concrete roofs make it a great base choice on many commercial buildings. 

However, concrete is prone to crack, leaving it exposed to harmful elements, and does not effectively reflect UV rays. For this reason, it’s important to consider applying coating on top of concrete roofs for protection and to increase its lifespan.

EPDM Roofs

EPDM roofs, also known as rubber roofing systems, are a popular choice for commercial properties. EPDM roofing systems have many advantages, yet remain vulnerable to things like weather and sun damage. For this reason, investing in roof coating systems for EPDM roofs in Fort Lauderdale is recommended and regarded as a lasting economic investment.

Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are presumed to last anywhere from 30-45 years after installation. If the roof is routinely maintained and inspected, it is reasonable to expect metal roofs to last around 35-40 years. However, the overall lifespan of a metal roof can range depending on the type of metal used. In addition, reapplying paint, fixing panels, and avoiding rust can be costly and difficult when metal roofs are not properly protected with an insulating and water-repellent coating.

Spray Foam Roofing (SPF Roofing)

Sprayed Polyurethane Foam, also known as SPF, is regarded among the longest lasting types of roofing systems. Many SPF roofing systems have endured for over 50 years with few signs of failing. For this reason, SPF roof coating systems in Fort Lauderdale and beyond remain one of the top choices in commercial roofing.

Commercial Roof Coating Systems in Fort Lauderdale

Polo International provides silicone and SPF roof coating systems in Fort Lauderdale. Our available commercial roofing solutions utilize high-grade materials that provide building owners many advantages, such as energy-efficiency, UV protection, water-repelling attributes, and cooling properties.

Ready to save on energy costs, reduce roof maintenance, and ensure your roof system lasts for years to come? Contact Polo Int. or call 866-975-2867 today to get a free quote!

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Roof Coating Systems Fort Lauderdale