silicone roof

What is Silicone Roofing? A Brief Rundown

If you’re here, reading this right now it’s because you’ve been asking “What is Silicone Roofing?” There are likely other secondary questions you may have regarding this roofing and roof protection technology and process. You might specifically be wondering about the benefits of using Silicone Roofing on your property. You might be wondering about the costs associated with silicone Roofing, including both the materials and the process. If you’re Eco-Conscious you might also be asking if Silicone is environmentally friendly. You might be convinced of the product applications already and simply wondering how to best prepare or make an appointment. Well, you’re int he right place1 Polo international is the national leader in silicone roofing installations. Across the United States, we have sold and installed over 50 million square feet of Silicone roofing products, and those numbers continue to rise every day! We are far and away from the leading experts on the subject, so if you are wondering  Keep on reading!

What is silicone roofing? – The Product:
Firstly, silicone roofing is a polymer product. This means it is composed of a particular material blended with advanced plastics. In this case, the material used to be blended is Silicon, an element on the Periodic table. The resulting product is extremely malleable and behaves similarly to both plastic and rubber. This makes it ideal for roofig as it acts as both a sealer and an insulator. The result of which is a massive reduction in electric bills over several years as the power requirements to keep the building cooler are much lower due to a lower average standing temperature.  The product can last 5-7 years in optimal conditions without needing reapplication.

What is silicone roofing? – The Process:
Our Process is Called Silicone Single Ply or SSP for short. This is because your roof only needs a single layer of the product to work properly. Though we do recommend a light cleaning and drying of the roof, no highly specific requirements for temperature, moisture, or cleaning are needed for the SSP process to properly cure the Silicone product. Additionally, the product is eco friendly and we are able to remove any materials in excess off-site and dispose them in an ecologically conscious manner.

There’s lots more to know about SSP, and what we can do for your roofign needs. We encourage you to learn more by talkign to one of our highly knowledgable representatives who can advise you, set up appoints, and offer additional details. For more info, call today!

Polo International – 50 million SQ feet and Counting! 866-975-2867

Related Media: Commercial Roofing Contractors, Polo Int!
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